4thCongress of Gulf Neurosurgical Society, & the 1st Gulf Neuroscience Nurses Conference.
This event was a remarkable one which brought together a unique and regional mix of dedicated neurosurgeons and active researchers, making the conference a perfect platform to share experience,foster collaborations across the region, and explore emerging technologies across the globe.Conference theme focused on “New Innovation and Technology in Neurosurgery”. Through its scientific program paved way to gather expertise through the talks and presentations and put forward many thought-provoking strategies for translating new neurosurgical advances into tangible clinical benefits for managing various diseases. The conference featured a broad range of topics including Stereotaxic Radio-surgery, Trauma &Neuro-Critical care, and Neurosurgical treatment of pain to name a few.
Symposium on Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Discussions that given more insight to Sleep Disordered Breathing (SDB) and Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA).OSA has received increasing attention due to its serious morbidities and implications to quality of life ofpatients.An understanding of the principles and practices, combined with knowledge of recent advances in CPAP and technology help the clinicians effectively treat challenging cases.
Medical/Dermatology Hospital and clinic projects
We undertake medical projects and dermatology projects with the expertise of engineering design and innovation. From advisory, consulting, and fulfillment of healthcare equipment projects to the design, planning, and management of hospitals.
2nd Qatar International Summit on Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery
The program featured eight types of bariatric surgery techniques including the Stretta procedure, a unique endoscopic surgery used to treat gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) that significantly reduces symptoms and improves quality of life for patients.
Discussion on Stretta procedures, which is a minimally invasive operation that involves inserting a flexible, disposable catheter into the patient’s esophagus to deliver controlled radiofrequency energy to strengthen the muscle fibers at the junction of the esophagus and stomach. This technique provides an alternative to traditional surgery which is more invasive